Thursday 18 July 2013

Walking clothing label

Wearing: Rains jacket, Wil Fry t-shirt, Acne jeans
and Nike sneakers.

I apologise for the delay in getting these photos up, I've been kept extremely busy by work and college as well as an amazing weekend away. Never the less, I really enjoyed this shoot, I met up with an old school friend by the name of Rowland, I highly recommend you check out his street photography here, and we went down to an alley off of Oxford St in Sydney. This outfit is one I put together recently for lunch with a friend and it instantly became a favourite, the shoes from Nike I fell in love with as soon as I saw them online, but thought I would miss out until a trip to Melbourne shortly after my birthday, the acne jeans were purchased from a friend and are my most comfortable jeans I could wear them for days, this t-shirt will forever be one of my favourite prints it was designed by Australian graphic designer/clothes designer/artist Wil Fry and contains a collage of varying high end labels you'd find on there clothing as if they were stuck to the shirt and of course my trusty Rains jacket which is my staple jacket and probably will be for a long time. The weather was perfect, the sun was shining and it was very warm for this time of the year, a week of warm weather looks to end next week unfortunately, back to heavy layering to keep myself warm. I love winter though I get cold very easily, which does occasionally cause me to crave for warmer days, but I could not live somewhere that is warm all year round, I need the cold, I need the winter fashion, the boots, jeans, pants, jackets, coats, pull overs, scarves and layering, these are the items of clothing I live for, the outfits I love to wear.


  1. if you ever want to sell that t shirt...

  2. Yo, Which is the size of the rain coat ? XS/S or S/M ?
