Thursday 12 December 2013

Sunburn and vintage jackets

Wearing: Human Potential pants, Proudrace T-shirt, Black Noise White Rain singlets,
Ann Demeulemeester boots, and a vintage jacket in later pictures.

The weather in Sydney is really starting to heat up as we approach what will probably be an intensely warm summer. The Saturday of this shoot I was up early doing a shoot with the fabulous Nicole Ainsworth for Ideal Apparel which was extremely fun and the first time I'd ever had makeup on! 

I then met up with the extremely talented Daniel Harden and took the above shots which I'm super happy with, especially due to the fact it features my new vintage jacket which was a spur of the moment purchase in between the shoots but I'm super happy I did decide to buy it as I love it on and will be in a very heavy rotation come winter! The rest of the outfit is composed of my favourite boots from Ann Demeulemeester, my lovely human potential pants which are fantastically light yet warm and many layers of singlets with raw hems from black noise white rain, I love this whole outfit and can't wait for the day my everyday outfit is more closely aligned with what you see here! I am hoping to organise a shoot soon but due to everyone's busy schedules right now it is proving slightly harder, but it will not be long before you see me again! Hope everyone is well, and getting into the swing of the holiday season!

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