Monday 16 March 2015


Wearing: Nike Shirt, Vintage Shorts
and Nike Air Max 98 Sneakers

It's been awhile, I apologise for my lack of a comprehensive update over the last couple months I have been exceptionally busy getting my life sorted now that I am back in Sydney. Finally found a full time job which is where most of my energies have been focused for the last few weeks, but it has limited my time to shoot and edit, but then again that is probably more due to my lack of drive after work to do it! But I am refocusing now that I'm back in a stable routine. I find men's fashion is really returning to the 90's I expect to see a real resurgence in matching track pants and track top outfits, not as baggy and poorly tailored as they were in the 90's but none the less I am convinced they are coming back. As for me I am still spending too much money on shoes and not enough on clothes, but hopefully that changes soon and I can start to refresh my wardrobe. I am still looking for some more guys and girls to style and take photos of or have take photos of me and am really open to any creative ideas. 
I'll be updating again as soon as possible. In the mean time take care! 

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