Thursday 19 September 2013

Pelvis and Prints

Wearing: Stussy Digi Print Tank, Pelvis Serve Long-sleeve tee,
Long Black T-shirt, WIA Pants, Nike Airmax 95 Sneakers.

I was really excited when these new Airmax 95 sneakers arrived, I new I had to shoot it right away, so Rowland helped me out once again. For me this was the perfect outfit to pair them with, I grabbed this singlet from work during the week, I'm a big fan of the print, and the fit is perfect to me, long and not too skinny. My long sleeve tee is a tee from my mates musical group pelvis who do a lot of vinyl djing and have an absolute fantastic and refreshing sound you can check there website and soundcloud here and here if you want! Its starting to get very warm and sunny here in Sydney, expect to start seeing some summer outfits which is exciting, i have a shoot at an amazing location lined up for Saturday and am very excited to see what we can get out of the day! Lots of love, Cameron.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

My Accessories


Nothing ventured Nothing gained.

I received this in November of 2010 from Max's tattoo village in Potts point, the meaning for me was that by nature I'm very indecisive and often choose not to take risks, which occasionally I have regretted, this is a reminder to myself that sometimes in life it is necessary to take risks to get what we want. 


The figure of a lamb, the feats of a lion.

I received my second tattoo in July of 2011 from Caleb at Tattoo Magic in Melbourne. Taken from a Shakespeare play this quote is very meaningful to me as I was teased for my size all throughout high school, this is to remind myself that size does not and never will impact on my potential.


Live Fast Die Young. 

My third tattoo was from the Illustrated Man in Sydney in March of 2013. I always felt I was going to die early, due to poor choices, and not the healthiest lifestyle, this is a reminder to myself that life is incredibly fragile and to live each moment as much as possible


You Are No 1, You Are No. 1.

This was my fourth tattoo, also from the Illustrated Man, I received this in late August of 2013, this for me, reinforces that nothing is forever and that my own and everyone's feelings change on a daily basis, which may mean I lose someone important but as time goes on someone else will fill that void and my own feelings will continue to develop and change. 


Stressed Depressed But Well Dressed. 

I got this tattoo from Instagram; Foureyestattoo today. Earlier this year I saw this quote and it truly resonated with me, and I feel is an incredibly accurate description of myself at this stage in my life. I have struggled with emotional issues but the one constant passion in my life, that is clothing and fashion, has really helped me in these times, due to finding like minded individuals to speak with and just the ability for nice clothing and a nice outfit that I put together to instantly lift my mood. 



Also done by Foureyestattoo today is this little tattoo on my knuckles of my left hand. I have always wanted knuckle tattoos, and I was always wanting something which was simple yet visually appearing, after tossing around a couple different ideas I stuck with this one and am really happy with it, I can't wait to go back on the 2nd to get something on my right hand which compliments this, decisions, decisions. 

I apologise for only having mobile photos of these tattoos at this stage, I will try to update with high res shots soon! I have a shoot this weekend for this blog, so stay posted for that to be uploaded early next week! Take care and much love! 

Saturday 7 September 2013

Paddington Strolls

Wearing: Only NY Jacket, WIA T-shirt,
Wrangler jeans and Nike Sneakers

Met up with my good friend Rowland Martinez last week and went for a stroll around Paddington, I was in a fantastic mood as I had just finished my last shift before starting my new job as stock manager for General Pants which commenced on Monday! It's a job I'm absolutely loving after only two days and its such a fantastic environment, but with all those clothes its very worrying how little i'll save! I have also decided to grow my hair long again which means several months of very questionable hairstyles, so please excuse while i get it to the length I want. I will be doing another shoot this weekend at a very exciting location, and am really excited to see how it turns out! As soon as i can ill have those up for you too, take care!