Monday 13 January 2014

Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen and fourteen


The Only Monsters Are In My Mind

This was done in november by Four Eyes Tattoo and is a reminder to myself that often the things that do the most damage to me and can do the most damage are often built up in my own mind and that i need to stop thinking self destructively.


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I wanted something to complement what is already on the fingers on my left hand and settled on this, its clean and simple and I'm extremely happy with it, it was done late December by Aidan Mckenzie.


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This tattoo I received for several personal reasons and is a constant reminder to me whenever I look in the mirror, this was also completed late december by Aidan Mckenzie.


My Assault On The Commonplace

Adapted from a line from one of my favourite TV shows, it really resonated with me as I enjoy being slightly against the norm in the sense that I dislike feeling like I'm dressing like everyone else and strive to have a unique style, and just generally try to truly be a unique individual that clashes with the norm, completed today by Four Eyes Tattoo.

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