Thursday 6 February 2014

Cartoon Pizza

Wearing: Joyrich Shirt, Vintage Boardshorts and
Nike Roshe Sneakers

I'm absolutely in love with this new Joyrich top from Estate of Mind. Every single person who I've shown has said the same thing, that top is so you, and it really is. Soon to become a favourite top! Vintage boardshorts are always my preferred choice in summer, the colours and patterns just always appeal to me so much plus I love the unique factor! Headed to paddington with Rowland and got some shots of this ensemble last weekend and stumbled across one of the best spots for viewing and shooting Sydney city! As well as a fantastic cafe where I scored the most incredible chocolate fudge cookie! I have some outfits that I'm really excited to shoot in the coming weeks so keep your eyes out for that and in the meantime take care! 

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