Monday 8 December 2014

Kelvin Grove

Wearing: Why Die T-Shirt, Ralph Lauren Polo Sport Shorts
and Nike Airmax 98 Sneakers

It has taken me a long time to get these photos edited and uploaded and I do apologise for that. I have been extremely busy preparing for and moving back to Sydney, but that has all been completed and I'm in Sydney now just searching for a job! I couldn't wait to upload the shoot of this look for a few reasons, I am absolutely in love with these new vintage Polo Sport shorts, the colour and the print is just absolutely perfect, especially when paired with my Why Die t-shirt which I had forgotten how much I love to wear it. The second reason I was extremely excited to upload this was the new Airmax 98 sneakers I am wearing which had arrived in the post a few days prior and have the most perfect old school aesthetic I could ever ask for in a sneaker. Not too mention how unbelievably comfortable they are! I am looking for people to shoot with now that I'm settled in Sydney and I'm more then happy to be in front or behind the lens, so if you were interested just give me a yell, in the meantime I will be back very soon, Take Care! 

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