Wednesday 2 October 2013

Seven and Eight



Some times I wonder

Done by Foureyestattoo (Instagram same name) this is a piece by artist Jack Pierson and has been tattooed in his own handwriting. I have been a big fan of his work for sometime, and this specific piece really speaks to me due to my habit of overthinking everything, and constantly pondering on what if scenarios. 



I've Become Consumed By Sound

Also done by Foureyestattoo, this is one of my all time favourite quotes, it resonates with me as I wasn't an acid listener to music, only really doing it on public transport, but several years ago that changed completely and I now find myself listening to music almost 24/7 and find it more strange if I'm not listening to something then if I am, music is also one of the only things I know that will always put me in a good mood.

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