Wednesday 9 April 2014


Wearing: Standard shirt, Vintage shorts
and Nike Sneakers

My luck at this stage of my life has not been the greatest. The job I was going to have up in Brisbane has just fallen through leaving me in a very difficult predicament. Everything else is in place for me to be moving up next week but now I'm stuck in a terrible limbo unless I can find a place to work. I have never felt as anxious or stressed as I have in the last few weeks and I feel I'm really letting some people down. Fingers crossed things change for the better very soon. I met up with Rowland last week for a very quick shoot on the hottest day we had in so long. Reverting back to one of my staple summer outfits, I love this standard shirt it's such a dark navy it suits so many outfits and the fact it's a very subtle mesh means it's extremely cool for summer, these shorts I picked up at an op shop on crown street at the beginning of summer and I love the chaotic mix of colours, that goes wonderfully with my navy suede Airmax's that give it a sporty feel and are super comfy. Hopefully my life settles down in the next few weeks and I'll be updating much more regularly. But only time will tell! Hope everyone is well and wish me luck finding a job in Brisbane.

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