Monday 8 September 2014

Basketball Court

Wearing: Only NY Jacket, IRLLDN Jumper, General Pants T-Shirt
Acne Jeans and Vans Authentic Shoes.

It's getting very warm very quickly up in Brisbane right now, very shortly I will have to start working out some summer looks to shoot. I have been unwell the last few days and squeezed this shoot in at a local basketball court. I decided to use a whole bunch of older clothing for this, I feel everyone is always trying to get new clothes and move forward where as I love having a piece from four or five years ago that I am still in love with and serves me well. So that's what all the pieces in this look are, older pieces of mine but I feel they still come together to create a good look, I need to just starting being me again and dressing how I want too I have become too focused on the external and how others are viewing me. So that is my new focus to shift back to doing what I want. I am extremely excited as I have just found someone to shoot in the coming weeks so I am really looking forward to that! I will be back next week, in the mean time take care!!

Shot By Jessica
Edited By Me

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