Monday 15 September 2014

Botanical Gardens

Wearing: IRLLDN T-shirt, Ksubi Long Sleeve Shirt, Adidas Shorts
and Nike Airmax 2014 Sneakers.

What started out as a day out to take photos in the botanical gardens ended up being a lovely walk through the gardens and photos being taken at the University next door. The problem for me in summer is bright light and white shirts leave me extremely washed out and I don't think look particularly good when I look that pale, so its a constant struggle to find softer light to allow for contrast and better photos. The other issue I am having right now is that I'm finding when I edit photos and then upload them to this site they are becoming much brighter and not at all what I intended when editing. It appears to be worse on some specific types of computer displays so I apologise if they aren't looking the greatest, I need to slightly modify the brightness of my screen at home so I can edit them in an environment more similar to how they would be displayed. I am very excited as big things may be happening in the next couple months, but more on that soon. In the meantime everyone, Take Care!! 

Shot By Jessica
Edited By Me

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